RUSA "regions" are an individual or group (club, bike shop, etc) that organizes RUSA events: Brevets, Populaires, Fleches, etc. With the exception of a permentant, event
Enter RUSA Number to highlight completed perms on searches or to display a map of completed event/perm locations.
RUSA Number:
Lookup RUSA Number by name on RUSA Website
Delete RUSA number cookie and reset search.
The map is interactive. For events, click on the RUSA Logo for more information. For Perms, click on the route lines to isolate that route and show details. Select the upper right button to change to terrain and arial views.
The searched location
Event Start Location (Clickable)
Control Location (Clickable)
Brevet Route start location (Clickable)
Stock Perm start Location. You may have started elsewhere
Dashed Line: Mixed Terrain route. At least 15% of the route is dirt.
Green Line: Route of 100 to 199km
Red Line: Route of 200 to 299km
Brown Line: Route of 300 to 399km
Purple Line: Route of 400 to 599km
Pink Line: Route of 600km and longer
Unfortunately, specific route data is not in the RUSA database to plot brevet routes. See host region for route details.
Route line sizes are proportional to completions between 1-60 finishes.
Thinnest line is route not finished or only been completed once.
Thickest line is a route which has been finishes 60+ times.